Monday, October 31, 2011

October 31, 2011


Dear everyone I love,

Ok, what just happened??  Did I just get a pouring out of prayers from home or something?  This week has been QUITE different from the previous one.  Why?  I will tell you soon.  But FIRST shout out to Jeffrey Chatman!!  Woo!  It´s you´re birthday!  You are 20 you old man...  AND I got your email last week, and it was very appropriate and comforting for how last week was.  So, thanks a bunch, friend!  Mom, and Dad, thanks for all the updates from home.  I wish I could enjoy all of it with you guys (except for all of the terrible sports things that have happened), but I know that yall already know how much I love it out here too.

Anyway, here´s what happened first this week.  For some WEIRD reason, and I don´t know what happened overnight, but I can somehow speak spanish a LOT better this week.  A LOT better.  Maybe it´s because I haven´t eaten any bad tacos recently, but I have been able to have some pretty decent and substantive conversations with the other missionaries that only speak Spanish.  YES YES YES!  I think, Dad, that I am finally getting past the first stage of understanding Spanish.  You see, this week I was able to contact an entire BUS of people.  We had interviews with President Villarreal, and on the way back, 4 of us missionaries rode on a bus to Tenancingo.  Usually when we do that though, we don´t like to sit around casually like lame, timid missionaries; we talk to EVERYONE on the bus... at the same time.  Yes, and we have taken turns who stands in front and speaks to everyone.  So guess who´s turn it was then.  That´s right...  Now, if you know me, you know that I´ve never been one that is at all intimidated by public speaking, things in front of crowds, or even making a fool of myself.  And I knew what to say, but I was just hoping that my mouth wouldn´t stutter or that I wouldn´t forget a word or two.  So anyway, I got up, and I could feel my tounge just flow with the spanish words.  I announced with my powerful voice (and yes if you know me, you also know that my voice is loud and powerful) that we were missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and that we taught the Gospel of Jesus Christ which brings salvation and happiness to all.  Then I told then that whoever wanted to hear this message should raise their hand, and I would personally pass by, and teach them while we were on the bus.  4 raised their hand.  I taught all of them with fluent remembrance of the Doctrine and spanish vocabulary.  Of course, I slipped up a word here and there, but I KNEW that the Lord had helped me get to this point, because even when a lawyer tried to confuse me in my words (yes one of those 4 was litterally a lawyer, just like the stories from the scriptures), I still answered him back with confidence, and I knew EXACTLY what to say.  Wow. I felt like Alma.... it was FREAKING AWESOME!

Haha!  Anyway, another good thing that happened this week is that we had 7 investigators attend church this week!!  No,  Meli and Amparo were still not among them (and I´ll talk about them some other time), but 4 of them was a WONDERFUL family that I met about a week and a half ago called the Fuentes Valasquez family.  Wanna know how great they are?  They have followed through with EVERY committment (in reading the Book of Mormon, attending chruch, praying, etc.), and they thought that the church experience was so beautiful.  Plus the kids DIDN´T want church to be over.  Now, I don´t know about you, but I think that they´re CRAZY.  Because when I was a little kid, even I was SO TIRED after church.  But no, they were really wonderful about everything, and it looks like they will be baptized this coming Sunday!

This week has really been a miracle, and it´s due to two more factors that I´d like to mention.  I have felt your prayers, and I´VE been praying diligently, and fasting more frequently.  Thank you so much for all of that.  This just all just illuminates how true it was when Jesus said that certain miracles cannot be done exept it be done with "much prayer and fasting" (Matthew 17:21).  Secondly, I was REALLY inspired to work when I got out of my interview with the Pres.  I´m not gonna lie, before this Thursday, I was actually pretty scared of the man, but this time I finally got to know him, and talk to him much better than before.  One of many things I remember me telling me is " I know that you are feeling pretty down because you and Elder Monroe haven´t baptised in awhile... but you can´t get down.  We need you, Elder Hutchinson.  You have to be INVIGORATED by it.  You have to be motivated by it."  And then he put my as senior comp for the rest of this transfer... Yikes!  The responsibility.  That´ll get you REALLY motivated haha.

Anyway, I´m out of time.  I love you all!!  I´m praying for you, and I´ll write next week!  Hasta luego!


Elder Christian Hutchinson.

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