Thursday, July 7, 2011

Week 3

Dear everyone that I love,
I hope I can answer the questions for everybody who is wondering how I'm doing here.  Just to let you know, I'm learning A LOT here!  This is definitely the time in my life where I have studied the most, and I know it's paying off with scriptures AND in Spanish.  I know, because I taught the first lesson to some Native Speakers yesterday in COMPLETE Spanish!  Although I sometimes had to sit and think about what word was correct every few minutes, it was STILL an accomplishment in my eyes.  My district also spoke ALL spanish yesterday.  We were NOT allowed to speak any English.  Needless to say, we were a bit silent yesterday, but it was definitely good practice.  Next week we have 2 completely Spanish days, and then after the 4th week, we speak ALL Spanish ALL the time.  Woo, I'm a bit nervous, but I know it will be necessary, especially since I STILL won't be able to understand the Mexicans when I actually get out there.  But my vocabulary in spanish is expanding A LOT.  I'm thankful that we have the oppurtunity to make a lot of stupid mistakes while we're here rather than while we're with strangers in Mexico.  What's an example?  Hmmm, well let's just say I had to make a Note To Self:  "'Yo estoy embarazada' does NOT mean 'I'm embarrased.' It means 'I'm pregnant'."  Not gonna make THAT mistake!
So, I had a pretty different experience around the 4th of July.  We actually celebrated it on the 2nd of July and did absolutely nothing on the actual 4th of July.  (Don't ask me why.) ACTUALLY I got everybody on our floor to sing the "Star Spangled Banner" on the 4th, so that was something.  But anyway, I have a story about that day.  So, I so that my Texas flag, which proudly hangs in my room, still had creases in it from it's packing.  And I was like "man, I wish I could get rid of those."  And then Elder Richards was like, let's iron it!  Sweet!  So, we did, and it worked!  But WHILE we were ironing it, I was like "oh, man, I wish I had an American flag so that I could have it in time of the 4th."  And he said jokingly "Eh, you Texas people don't care about THAT! You just care about the Texas."  And then I had an AWESOME reply and I have never thought of it this way.  I said, "No, we Texans believe in America AND Texas.  It's kind of like the Bible and the Book of Mormon.  They go hand-in-hand."  We then both paused and marveled at what I just said.  IT'S THE TRUTH, BABY! Go Texas!  And America!
Well, as you may know, we have class all day, and because of that, you have to get up for a bathroom brake a couple times a day.  Unfortunately, if your companion has to go, but you don't, you STILL have to go with him (not inside the bathroom, just outside the room to the bathroom door.)  Anyway, there sits what is called "La silla del ba~no" or in other words, the bathroom chair.  Some very smart elders must have put that out there awhile ago, because sometimes, you have to wait a loooooong time for your companion while he's in the bathroom and you DON'T want to stand the whole time while he's in there.  Well, that's missionary life for ya.
Like I mentioned before, I love the guys in my district.  We can joke about things so easily, but we also support each other in trying to focus on the work as much as possible.  One of the things that I find pretty funny is that sometimes they call me John Stamos because they all think I look like John Stamos from "Full House".  I don't think I really remember what he looks like, but I'm assuming he's a rather attractive man, so I'm alright with that. Haha!  Also, yesterday, the Zone leaders came into our room and asked who had musical talent.  Immediately EVERYONE in the room pointed to me, because I sing all the time.  Soooooo, now I'm singing a solo on Sunday at church!  Haha!  What can I say?  I'm just a Renaissance man!  And really humble too!...
Anyway, I've gotta go soon, but I'll leave you with a scripture that really applies to me right now.  Doctrine and Covenants 58: 27-28 "Verily I say, men should be anxiously engaged in a good cause and do many things of their own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness.  For the power is in them wherein they are agents unto themselves.  And inasmuch as men do good they shall in nowise lose their reward."
Thank y'all SO MUCH for your letters!  And MOM thank you SO MUCH for my package with all of the sweets and pictures in it.  I LOVE it!  If I haven't written you back yet, I'm sorry, but I will try!  And if you haven't written me yet, please do, because I really miss ALL of you that read this.  Anyway, hasta luego!

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